Cult News Network – Etiquetado "review" – Don't Tell My Wife I'm a Cult Leader

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My Review of The Effects of Pickled Herring by Alex Schumacher

I discovered this book on X from someone who was reposting a pre-purchase alert for a book whose title totally hooked me in: The Effects of Pickled Herring. For those of you who don't know, pickled herring is one of those beloved side dishes enjoyed by the Jewish diaspora of a bygone generation. That is, even back in the 80s I didn't know anyone over my dad's age who enjoyed it. With the title and the general description of the book being a coming of age story about a kid and his bar mitzvah, with the addition of a bubbe suffering from Alzheimer's, I was all in, as I too was raised Jewish (now a Baha'i) and my mom died...

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