What's next? ⏭ – Don't Tell My Wife I'm a Cult Leader

What's next? ⏭

A long commercial break? Good thing we taped it, let's hit the fast-forward button. ⏩
Okay, and… pause! ⏸ Alright, push play, ▶
Ahem.…thanks for reading all through the currently available chapters of Don't Tell My Wife I'm a Cult Leader. That's about 220 pages. For comparison, that's about 219 more pages than what I read in my English Lit classes throughout high school. Don't worry, one of these days I'll get around to finishing the Scarlet Letter, the Crucible and all the other snooze-inducing assignments I was supposed to do.
Based on my early readers' responses, many of you like the slow burn of a compelling saga full of interesting storylines and characters set throughout many places and times in Texas and beyond. Others may think, "that's nice but… where's the cult?" For that latter group, my only advice is to slow down and enjoy the ride. So far you've met Floyd, Mandy, Smed, Libi and LeRon. For Chapters 8 and 9 we'll begin the storyline of that man you see second from the right.
The Crew of Don't Tell My Wife I'm a Cult Leader
As an added bonus, we'll also get a glimpse of what our leader's life was like back in 1990, when Floyd was in high school. Once they all come together, you'll see a tightknit group of characters the likes of which you haven't seen since The Three Stooges, Golden Girls or The Wire. Yes, those three shows (works of art) are three of my many influences as I was writing Cult Leader.
Until the next chapter,
♥ Todd